Why would you want a toy car when you could have a toy car that transforms into an alien attack robot? In the 1980s, Transformers emerged as a really popular animated TV show and toy line.
Recently, a live-action film revived interest in Transformers. While it would be hard not to have fun at a movie about fighting robots, some people find the amount of product placement in the movie to be really annoying. Amanda isn’t one of them.
A law was passed to protect alien property.通過了一項法律保護外國僑民的財產。
emerge:浮現;出現[(+from/out of)]
The moon emerged from behind a cloud
His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.
These flies are annoying me.
Amanda: So. What did you do this weekend?
Marni: Not a lot, I, uh, just kinda hung around and I wanted to go see Transformers but I didn’t make it. Have you seen it?
kinda:〈口〉[用在 this 等之後] ...的一種; ...的一類 (= kind of)
Believe me, he is not the kinda boy to idle away his time.
hang around:1.閒蕩;聚在...;2.鄰近;徘徊;3.圍繞;迫近
Amanda: I took my kid on opening day. First of all, line around, outside, down the corner. And I was that mom that took the kid that was four because it’s PG-13, so kind of hiding out behind the handbag.
Marni: But you know your kid can handle it. You’re gauging...
opening day:the first day a movie or theatre piece is able to be seen by the public
hide out:藏匿的處所
PG-13:a rating that warns the parents that children under 13 years old should not see a movie
Amanda: Exactly. And I went for selfish purposes. I think we’re about the same age and I don’t know about you, but I grew up with Transformers.
Marni: I did too, yeah.
Amanda: Always obsessed with it…
Marni: Really? You were?
Amanda: It’s a very creative toy!
Marni: Good point.
David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.
Amanda: So two and a half hours…visual dessert.
Marni: That’s kinda what I figured.
Amanda: But not only the crazy action, but the cast. Josh Duhamel, Shia LaBeouf, uh Megan, I don’t know her last name…
Marni: Fox?
Amanda: Megan Fox, model turned actress. Tyrese. So it is an all-star cast, but a lot of people are complaining that it is a two-and-a-half-hour commercial. But if it entertains? Can you really complain?
Marni: You’re not really going to watch serious…
Amanda: No. It’s not up for an Oscar.
Marni: Exactly. It’s just mindless entertainment.
dessert:something sweet , usually eaten after a meal
entertain:amuse , delight
up for:打算;被考慮