American mothers always say, “Mind your manners” when their kids snap at someone. A good parent raises kids who are polite. Kids who chew with their mouths closed and don’t make a mess when they’re eating. Kids who say “please” and “thank you” when it’s appropriate and don’t speak too loudly.
Amanda’s parents made sure she grew up to be polite. Mason’s parents tried really hard but…well, read for yourself…
Mason: Amanda, when we were out the other night, I was kind of noticing, this is a weird thing, but, you have great manners!
Amanda: Thanks. I was raised that way.
Mason: Where did you learn? Did your parents just teach you?
Amanda: My parents. They beat it into me to always be polite…
Mason: Are you serious?
Amanda: ...that rudeness was the sin of all sins.
Mason: Obviously my parents didn’t do their job because…I’m not kidding…when I was in like 5th grade, they sent me to a manners class.
Amanda: Oh, etiquette, right?
Mason: Yeah, it was like etiquette. It was the old sort of finishing school brought into the 20th century.
Amanda: I actually thought those were only for girls.
Mason: So did I! It was called Spit, Polish and Shine.
Amanda: Okay. What was the one take away for you?
Mason: I’m proud to say…I failed!
Amanda: You’re proud to say you failed?
Mason: I did.
Amanda: Oh.
Mason: But they tried to teach us…the butter spoon...and this knife and that five forks and there was…
Amanda: I suppose there’s different families of manners, but that’s kind of being…what, proper? Versus being not rude and considerate.
Mason: Then there’s holding the door open and saying “bless you” when someone sneezes.
Amanda: Absolutely. Not making your wife sleep in the wet spot.
Mind:pay attention to
=>Mind the wet paint.
=>Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?
snap:speak in an irritated tone
irritate:annoy sb
=>His letter irritated me a littleb
raise:breed ,brought up,take care
=>The baby was raised on soya-bean milk.這孩子是用豆漿餵養大的。
polite:He's always so polite to people
=>polite society 上流社會
chew:bite sth,munch
=>chewing gum
=>chewing the fat:The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning.
=>She messed up on the math test<br>
=>The officers are at mess
appropritae:suitable or fitting
=>She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion
=>It's a sin to waste food
=>It's a sin to stay indoors on such a fine day
etiquette:proper behavior
=>禮節;禮儀:This is a book on etiquette
=>According to etiquette, you should stand up to meet a guest
=>Spit your gum out before you come into the classroom.
proud of :為...而驕傲
I'm proud of being a member of this class
The Chinese use chopsticks instead of knives and forks.
=>Please butter me bread.
=>butter up:討好; 奉承
considerate:thoughtful,mindful of others
=>He was considerate of everyone
I caught a cold and sneezed a lot.
It's absolutely no business of hers.