
The road to the playing field has been a long one for women. For a long time, women weren’t allowed to play sports at all. Then, for a time, women were allowed to play but had to wear dresses and skirts even while running!

Only since a new law in the late 1970s gave more money to women’s sports in schools have women athletes been given a fair shake ( fair chance) in the US. Now lots of sports fans find it just as fun to watch women compete as men.

Kevin: So you know, I did my undergraduate (大學(或肄業)生的) work at the University of Minnesota and that’s where hockey is huge, and the women’s hockey (曲棍球[U]) team is amazing.
Devan: Really? I didn’t even know they had women’s hockey.

Kevin: It’s big time ( important , well known) (一種職業中收入或地位最高的一級,一流) ...women’s hockey…
Devan: Like professional?(done for money 職業選手)

Kevin: Like borderline (almost, slight, sort of)( 曖昧的,問題在兩者之間難以決定的) professional. I mean, they’re really amazing. And with Title IX, I don’t know if you know that…
Devan: Uh-uh.

Kevin: That’s like for…It requires equal dollar amounts given to collegiate (大學生的)and high school female sports as well as male sports.
Devan: That’s awesome.( 感到敬畏(或畏懼)的)

Kevin: So there’s an equal number of scholarships (獎學金[C] )(money for school that is awarded for talent) available to women as there are to men. It’s really brought up the level of women’s sports. It’s amazing. Like in the hockey team. You see one of their games and they’re so much fun, you know?
Devan: Do you think that women’s sports will catch on? (become popular, widespread or common)

Kevin: I mean, I would like to see the WNBA be as big as the NBA, but I don’t know, the men’s has been around for a long time. But you know, the women in tennis…Women’s tennis is as popular as men’s tennis and it has been for a long time.
Devan: Well, that’s ‘cause Anna Kournikovav(庫妮可娃) is a babe.(an attractive and sexy person)

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